Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's Starting. . .

Veggie season is almost here, and these days, the green house is truly a nursery, overflowing with young plants waiting to be transferred to the fields.

CSA members, we look forward to seeing you tonight in your raincoats and boots for a Meet-and-Greet with the farmers.  Find out what Noah is buzzing about.  Come see which farmer is growing something other than plants these days.  Check out Fred's new office.  Learn why the farm staff has been busy buying kiddie pools (no, we won't be seeing family swim at the farm any time soon).  And see who's been using the weed wacker this month.

We'll be posting some exciting information about the farm over the next few weeks, as well as some recipes to make use of the spring harvest, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, mark your calendars for all of the exciting upcoming events:

May 5-6 - Plant sale
May 11-12 - Pretty Big Bird Day
May 29 - First pick-up for CSA Members
June 2 - Fancy Farm Feast