Every so often, there is a vegetable in the weekly share that you either don't know or don't want. At the end of the season, I've been wowed by tomatoes, tickled by jalepenos, charmed by melon and persuaded by kale (which I now purchase regularly, even when it's not in our share). Call it harvest fatigue, but who wants to learn about a new vegetable right when we are supposed to be turning to our pantries, preparing soups and comfort foods, making use of bought legumes and anything we froze or canned in August?
So I'll admit that it was with a twinge of annoyance that I read, in this week's Wild Carrot: watermelon radishes. Come on! I'm not even that fond of watermelon, as melons go, and then radishes are nice, but . . . well, they are nice. But what is this thing called watermelon radish? Dessert or salad ingredient? Could I throw it in a soup? A stir fry? Would it take to the slow cooker? Plop it on pasta? Fearing I was condemning it to a slow and withering death in the back of the fridge, I chucked a bunch in our bag at pick up.
And then I peeled one. Wow! Look at these beauties! With slightly less bite than a tiny, red, summer radish, and a hint of sweetness that salt brings out nicely.
Peel, slice, and pass with a bowl of kosher salt for dipping. So delicious!
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